phenomenon n. 1.(pl. -na ) 【哲学】现象 (opp. noumenon); 事件。 2.(pl. phenomenons) 稀有现象;奇迹;珍奇;珍品;非凡的人。 3.【医学】症候。 the phenomenon of nature 自然现象。 social phenomenon 社会现象。 an infant phenomenon 神童。
The aging phenomenon coincided with oxygen absorption . 老化现象与氧的吸收密切相关。
The aging phenomenon coincided with oxygen absorption and was retarded by phenolic substances . 老化现象与氧化吸收密切相关,酚类化合物可以阻缓老化。
1st : rallies the flesh organization , the resistance aging phenomenon , effective activation and protect cell 1重整肌肤组织,对抗老化现象,有效活化及修护细胞。
The aging phenomenon of the traditional tourism product has arisen gradually as the product become more and more mature : the boring function , the old content , the dull form , which can not adjust the demand of the modern tourists 随着产品的日趋成熟,传统旅游产品逐渐出现产品老化的现象:功能单一、内容陈旧、形式缺乏变化,已经很难适应现代旅游者的需求。
Because these changes are similar to those occurring with increasing age , researchers are faced with the difficulty of differentiating degeneration of the interertebral disk that occurs purely as an aging phenomenon and degeneration that occurs as part of a pathologic process 由于这些变化与年龄增长出现的变化相似,研究者面临的困难是区分纯粹的衰老过程造成的退变和由于病理原因造成的退变。